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Please refer to the following for Uniform and Equipment information:

  • Uniforms for PCR Rec Season: Both black and red go with our logo colors. Most players are going with black accessories as it works with all color jerseys and both Spring and all-star season. Players will wear black or red sleeves (under their uniform shirt) when the weather is chilly; sleeves should be in bags at all times as part of the required gear. Players wear a black or red belt, and black or red socks. Grey pants are worn by all players for Game days and Opening Day. Grey pants plain or with a red or black colored pinstripe is fine. For Majors and above, a full-length straight bottom (not bungee bottom) pant is preferred. Any color cleat is fine, black or red preferred. All-star/tournament coaches may choose to go all black or all red color accents i.e sleeves, socks, belt. PCR has Adidas brand baseball socks, both red and black available 2/pair for $5.

 Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Equipment 2020 Checklist:

Bat Bag: Recommended for all divisions (not as necessary for Fundamental division)

Batting Helmet: Each player should have their own for hygiene purposes. Any color. All safety cushions need to be intact and no cracks or dents 

Batting Glove: Recommended not required

Fielding glove: Should be made of leather or mostly leather for Rookie divisions and above.

Baseball Cleats: Baseball shoes must have plastic or rubber cleats for Cal Ripken (Age 12 and under). For Babe Ruth (Age13-15) Metal, plastic, or rubber cleats are allowed. Many fields are turf so you will probably need rubber or turf cleats additionally if you opt for metal cleats. Black colored cleats look great with our uniform but any color is acceptable. 

Athletic protective cup and athletic supporter or sliding shorts to secure the cup.

Bats: Babe Ruth League Bat Rules. For all players for Spring 2020 for both Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth.


Cal Ripken Division: Ages 5-12. 
USA Baseball Marking
2 5/8" Barrel Maximum
No dings or flat spots. 

Babe Ruth League Bat Rules 


Babe Ruth Division:
Ages 13-15
USA Baseball Marking or BBCOR .50
2 5/8” Barrel
No dings or flat spots. 
Babe Ruth League Bat Rules

Family & Friends, show your support and look good doing it!
Visit our online store for personalized Fan Wear. 
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