To get started with online registration, please follow these steps:
1. Click the REGISTER button below. If you don't already have a Blue Sombrero account, you'll be asked to create one. Thereafter, you may access your account by logging in.
2. Complete Parent Information
3. Complete Player Registration
4. Pay by Credit/Debit Card to complete registration
If you do not have a credit card, we will have several opportunities for Open Registration both in SE Portland and the David Douglas areas. Once determined, the dates and locations of the In-Person Registrations will be posted on this website as well as our Portland Cal Ripken Facebook page.
The policy of the PORTLAND CAL RIPKEN BASEBALL league is to issue no refunds after PCR baseball assessments have occurred regardless of the player's participation in assessments. Time, effort and costs are incurred to ensure the balance of teams and withdrawal post assessments undermines that process. Prior to assessments, a refund of the registration fee less an administrative handling fee will be issued. Uniforms (hat and shirt) will be issued to players who participate in league sanctioned games and will be handed out just prior to Opening Day.
Review the complete Portland Cal Ripken Baseball Registration Policies here:
Call us at and leave a message if you have any questions.
Someone will call you back within 72 hours during the season.
For Billing Inquires please mail to:
7008 SE 69th Ave
Portland, OR 97206