Dear Baseball Families:
For years, many of us have expressed a desire for our children to play baseball with friends living in other Eastside neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the strict boundaries set by most leagues limit our freedom to do so. Often, too, the search for better competition and opportunity for post-season tournaments, has driven us to look at options elsewhere. Additionally, volunteers are not always given the proper support and training that makes a willing and effective coach. Lastly, there is the constant search for correct, current, and sustainable pitching and hitting instruction for our players. For the serious baseball family, finding a league that resolved all those issues seemed nearly an improbable, if not impossible task-UNTIL NOW!!
If You Build It, They Will Come: While searching for another baseball option, several PCR "founding families," experienced an open Cal Ripken Tournament in Kelso, WA and after further research and due diligence, we concluded that the solution to our baseball dilemma was with the national organization of Cal Ripken Baseball (the youth division of Babe Ruth) and specifically, with the formation of Portland Cal Ripken Baseball Association (PCR)-an organization that by design, provides a higher level of competition, professional training, and tournament options found in club teams, coupled with the community spirit, recreational play, and State/Regional/World Series opportunities found in neighborhood leagues.
Over 100 families joined Portland Cal Ripken in its inaugural 2013 year. Our 11U All-Star team made it to the Regional Tournament and our 10U and 9U All-Star teams came in 2nd at the State Tournament. We are thrilled with what was accomplished in 2013 and look forward to building on our success.
The Advantages of Joining Portland Cal Ripken
Coaching: Each season, our Managers and coaches are tasked with developing players starting with teaching/re-enforcing fundamental baseball skills. PCR has high standards for our coaches and expects them to provide a positive learning environment. All managers and coaches are required to adhere to a coaches' code of conduct.
Baseball Training: PCR wants every coach and player to learn the fundamentals of baseball mechanics that will allow for a lifetime of successful, proper, safe and sustainable play. When possible, and available, PCR arranges professional baseball trainers to provide free and/or low-cost clinics. This alone is one of the best benefits of our league and one of many opportunities that separates us from the rest of the pack.
More Inclusion/Larger Boundary: Our boundary is ALL of the Portland Public and David Douglas/Centennial School areas on the Eastside including a few other areas. This finally allows inter-neighborhood families and friends to play together in the same league.
More Opportunity to Play: Whereas most community league insurance only allows their players to play against other same League teams, Cal Ripken insurance allows PCR teams to play against any team, any league, any venue anytime during the year. This creates the option for our teams to participate in Open Tournaments as well as the regular Season End Tournaments and All-Star Tournaments.
More League Tournament Levels: Some community league teams get to compete for district and State levels at 10 and 11. At 12 they play at district, state, regional and national/international levels (World Series). All Cal Ripken All-Star teams at 9 and up get to compete for State and Regional titles, and at both U10 and U12, get to compete to go to the World Series. The tournament road prepares our players to deliver their best efforts at All-Stars. We found that the multiple game days of preparatory tournaments are an incredible learning opportunity and memorable experience for our players. we even organize a postseason tournament team for our 8U Rookies!
More Autonomy: Cal Ripken offers support at a National level while allowing their leagues the independence to address the needs and offer what is best for their community of players and families. This flexibility will let Portland Cal Ripken serve the best interests of our families and offer the most opportunities for our players.
PCR is looking for players who love baseball, have a good work ethic and families that want to be involved. Volunteers are always welcomed and with this group of families, "giving back" is a very rewarding experience. It is our intent to provide a healthy and sustainable baseball alternative that all of us can look back on with pride in years to come. Our ultimate goal is that our players learn the sport of baseball and have such great memories of this experience, that they return with their children in 20 or so years.
NOW is the time to Register for Portland Cal Ripken!!
FUNdamental Ages 5-6 I $50
Rookie Ages 6-8 I $100
Minors Ages 9-10 I $175
Majors Ages 11-12 I $175
Babe Ruth Ages 13-15 I $225
Please feel free to email PCR with any questions: portlandcalripken@gmail.com
See you on the field!
Bob Hart
Portland Cal Ripken